HEGEL – The Work Culture
Not your typical company, HEGEL boasts a diverse workforce from all corners of the world, many of whom work in differing time zones. As such, it is far from uncommon to receive notifications, enquiries or even tasks at odd hours of the day, sometimes yet after you’ve drifted off into the night. It really is quite a comforting thought to wake up to text messages from anyone, and even more so when they are from your colleagues. This unique culture is amongst the factors that set this company apart.
Personally, I have found myself having conversations with other employees way past the stroke of midnight due to the time differences. I must say it is an exciting working experience, unlike in most other workplaces where you won’t even think of your colleagues after around six in the evening.
Being partially remote-based company, many of its employees, myself included, won’t have the need to step foot out of the comfort of our own homes too often. With our main mediums of conduct being WhatsApp, Slack, and e-mails, information and instructions are relayed to each other online throughout the day. As opposed to a more formal work setting, there is a great deal of flexibility in how we deal with our tasks and also with each other. Employees can manage their time and tasks more efficiently, instead of having to conform to a rigorous working schedule.
Riding on that note, the interaction between the company’s employees can be seen as ‘strictly informal’. While that may seem like an odd oxymoron, it is quite an accurate way to describe the relationships built in the company. The hierarchy is mostly overlooked during meetings and discussions, with some of the superiors preferring to be addressed as ‘bro’ or by first names, rather than ‘boss’ or ‘sir/ma’am’.
During meetings, everyone sits together and pools their ideas regardless of position. When all is said and done, and the sessions are adjourned, don’t be surprised to catch everyone out together to get something to eat and drink, all while sharing deep conversations and juicy gossip. This method of interaction leads to a great sense of comfort with each other without being intimidated by other employees due to their status or position.
Moreover, there is no such thing as having to ‘dress to impress’, and the employees are often seen clad decently in whatever they’re comfortable with, even during company meetings. Slacks with a tucked-in long-sleeved shirt are jokingly said to be outdated and in favour of that are clothes like jeans with a nice t-shirt. As was stated earlier, this creates a comfortable setting in the company, much like how you’d feel at home with your family. And that is precisely what HEGEL is – a family.

Mechanical Engineer
Project Department