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  • Fire Sprinkler System

    Sprinkler systems are an essential part of protection from fires. A fire sprinkler system can prevent property damage and reduce the risk of injury to workers, customers, or tenants. But how exactly does a fire sprinkler system work? Understanding how a fire sprinkler system works can help you determine the right kind of design for your property. DETECTION There is a common misconception that sprinklers are triggered by smoke. Fire sprinkler systems have strategically placed sprinkler heads with glass bulbs containing a glycerin-based liquid. Sprinkler systems detect a fire through rising temperatures. As the temperature at the sprinkler head increases to between 135 to 165 degrees Fahrenheit, the liquid inside the glass bulb expands and breaks the glass, thus activating the sprinkler head. There are various fluid colours in these glass components, each indicating a different threshold of heat required to break the glass. ACTIVATION Depending on the type of sprinkler system, the method of sprinkler activation can vary. Once the glass bulb breaks, the sprinkler head releases water. However, the way water is stored and is delivered through pipes depends on the type of fire sprinkler system. Wet pipe systems keep water in the lines and release it immediately when the trigger breaks. Dry pipe systems store water behind a valve that needs to be released before the water can flow through the pipes and out of the sprinkler head. A pre-action sprinkler is like a dry pipe system, except for the valve is controlled by an electronic device. The only exception is the deluge sprinkler system that is not activated by heat at all. Instead, a fire alarm releases the water, and a valve must be manually closed to stop the water flow. PRESSURIZED SPRINKLING Wet pipe, dry pipe, and pre-action sprinklers all use pressurized air. In wet pipe sprinklers, pressure in the pipes ensures the water is delivered quickly. In dry line and pre-action sprinkler systems, pressurized air is used to fill the pipes instead of water filling the pipes. Once the air is released due to a fire being detected, the water flows through the pipes. POST FIRE It is a myth that once a fire is detected, all fire sprinklers go off. The fire sprinkler system detects rising temperatures at each sprinkler head and goes off only when the fire reaches that sprinkler. If you require a sprinkler system where all the sprinkler heads go off simultaneously, you need a deluge sprinkler system. Deluge sprinkler systems release water from every sprinkler head once a fire alarm goes off and are used in facilities with flammable or combustible liquids where the threat of fire is too high. Hegel Engineering Sdn Bhd offers a foam sprinkler system for these high-risk environments, which smothers, cools, and extinguishes fires. Other fire sprinkler systems have minimal clean-up and cause little damage due to the localized response, such as the Hi-Fog Water Mist system offered by Hegel Engineering Sdn Bhd. FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE, TESTING, AND INSPECTION Fire sprinkler systems should be inspected and tested according to NFPA 25. On a weekly or monthly basis, gauges should be checked. Every quarter, alarm devices and control valves should be inspected. Bracings, pipes, fittings, and signings should be inspected annually. Every five years, an internal inspection is required. Tests of mechanical devices should happen quarterly. Switch type devices should be tested every six months. Full testing and tagging should include water flow, fire pump, and alarm tests every year. Not only will Hegel Engineering Sdn Bhd install the correct sprinkler system for your property, but we will also perform regular inspections, testing, and maintenance as needed. For you to be fully protected, your fire sprinkler system must be working correctly. Contact Hegel Engineering Sdn Bhd today for a quote or questions related to fire sprinkler system inspections, testing, or maintenance.

  • The Quick Guide to Restaurant Fire Suppression Systems

    For restaurant owners, their kitchen is the heartbeat of their livelihood. It's where their greatest chefs labor away and where the delicious food that keeps customers coming back time and time again is created. But where there is heat, there is the risk of fire. Fires are more likely to occur in a restaurant than nearly any other kind of business. With continual exposure to high heat, fires can break out for a variety of reasons. Regardless of why a fire starts out, what is important is suppressing the fire as quickly as possible. Water typically is not an option, as grease fires spread with the inclusion of water, while extinguishers may ruin all of the food and produce inside of the kitchen when unnecessary. Restaurant fire suppression systems offer a unique way of putting out a fire quickly and efficiently. If you are currently on the market for a suppression system, or are interested in the restaurant business and want to know how best to protect your financial investment, the best restaurant fire suppression systems give you this capability. Restaurant Fire Suppression Systems are Your First Line of Defense According to the National Restaurant Association, 57% of all restaurant fires involve cooking equipment. This means the fire can be contained if you have a suppression system installed. Properly training your staff, cleaning up grease, and having a fire extinguisher readily available when fire breaks out in other conditions is still important, but you can cut down your fire potential by nearly 60%. Therefore, fire suppression system instantly becomes your first line of defense. You just need to know more about it and how it works. The Basics on Restaurant Fire Suppression Systems Different brands provide slightly different features. For the most part though, a suppression system will provide you with the typical basic features. The suppression system connects to both the hood over your cooking station and the gas line running through the cooking station. If the fire suppression system is tripped, the gas line automatically shuts fire suppression systemsoff. This kills the fuel source of the fire. Now, depending on the fire (such as a grease fire), it may still burn on and threaten to spread. Due to this, there is a secondary element to the system, designed to put out the remaining flames. Nozzles are installed through the ventilation system in the hood over your cooking station. When tripped, the nozzles discharge a specially designed fire suppressant. The suppressant is a water based chemical with a special compound designed to combat grease fires. As the extinguished fire creates a considerable amount of smoke, the hood kicks on, removing the smoke from the kitchen. Easy to Use With Manual Options Restaurant fire suppression systems are generally easy to use. Much like the sprinkler system running through professional buildings, the suppression kicks on when it detects flames and growing heat. Different systems do have different ways of detecting a fire, so be sure to look into this when discussing the installation with a service provider. Once tripped, the two-prong approach kicks in quickly to kill the fuel source while dousing the flames. This keeps potential financial loss to a minimum, with only the food on the cooking surface destroyed. Manual activation should come as an option. As is the case of fires when a sprinkler system is present, if the designated trigger is not activated, the nozzle system may not turn on until the fire has spread beyond the cooking surface. To prevent this from happening, a manual activation point on the restaurant fire suppression systems allows an operator to turn on suppression, killing the flames quickly. When is a Fire Suppression System Necessary? Not all restaurants have a fire suppression system. When is it necessary to have such a system installed? In any commercial kitchen, it does not matter the location, it is a safety precaution. From a football stadium to fast food kitchens and really anywhere else in between, kitchen fires can quickly burn out of control. With most fires starting on the cooking surface, having a system in place that kills the fire without shutting down the kitchen allows staff members to clean up and get back to work, without customers ever knowing of the situation in the kitchen. Finding the Right Restaurant Fire Suppression Systems Suppression systems come in many different size variants. Such a system is usually installed into the current hood of a kitchen. This gives the installation service providers the ability to adjust the size of the system and the amount of liquid fire suppressant readily available. While no two restaurants are exactly alike, most kitchens share similar traits, so having this kind of setup installed is not difficult and can be customized to fit the restaurant's needs. Employee safety is a priority for any employer. As a business owner, it is your job to provide the best product in the safest manner possible. Restaurant fire suppression systems allow you to do just that, while protecting your financial and real estate investments from fire damage.

  • Room Integrity Test (Door Fan Test)

    Facts!! Fire suppressing agents are designed to protect rooms in addition to using traditional sprinkler methods. 59% of Clean Agent systems FAILED to keep out fire and smoke.* Agents MUST remain in the room for a specified time for proper suppression to occur. Room Integrity Testing is the only National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recognised test to determine agent retention time and room leakage. NFPA Requirement On Room Integrity Test Compliance with NFPA 2001 (2008 ED.) requires : Clause 7.4 The enclosure protected by the clean agent shall be thoroughly inspected at least every 12 months to determine if penetrations or other changes have occurred that could adversely affect agent leakage or change volume of hazard, or both. Where the inspection indicates conditions that could result in the inability to maintain the clean agent concentration, the conditions shall be corrected. Clause 7.2.3 Where external visual inspection indicates the container is damaged, additional strength tests shall be required. Clause 7.6.1 All persons who could be expected to inspect, test, maintain or operate fire systems must be highly trained. Clause All total flooding systems shall have the enclosure examined and tested to locate and effectively seal any significant air leaks that could fail in the enclosure to hold the specified agent concentration level for the specified holding period. The current preferred method is using a blower door fan unit and smoke pencil. “Experience has shown that the primary cause of discharge test failure is the inability to hold the specified concentration for the entire holding period. “ Room Integrity Test. What Is It? An Integrity test predicts how long fire suppressant agents take to descend to a given level in the room without having to release the agent itself. The Integrity test is carried out using: Modular adjustable panels for the door frame which adjusts to fit a wide variety of door sizes. Calibrated Fan(s) and range configuration Calibrated gauge(s) Laptop Computer Enclosure Integrity Software The system is set up in an available doorway. The protected area gradually pressurised, and the fan flow readings are recorded, then to check those measurements the room is depressurised to take measurements to compare. The predicted retention time is calculated from the leakage characteristics and the enclosure and extinguishing system data. A retention time of 10 minutes is the standard minimum period the suppressant agents except for Co2 that requires a 20 min retention Time. Ten minutes is long enough for most deep-seated fires to be cooled so that reignition is unlikely. Gaseous fire suppression systems should provide adequate time for the emergency services to attend and in most cases, prevent the fire from taking hold. When An Integrity Test Is Required? When you have a gaseous suppression system installed, your protected area requires testing to ensure that the suppressant is maintained within the area and works in case of fire. It is a requirement of most insurance policies and British standards that your suppression system is tested at least annually. An Integrity retest is also required if any modifications are made to the area. So moving a partition, fitting a new door, installing new cables or pipes or in any way modifying the structural perimeter of an enclosure will almost certainly affect gaseous fire suppression retention. Any changes to the room (no matter how small or inconsequential they may seem) requires a retest to be carried out. How Is A Room Integrity Test Carried Out? 1. Background Successful extinguishant of a fire by a gaseous extinguishing system is critically dependent upon the extinguishing concentration being maintained for a specified period after discharge. A retention time of ten minutes applies in most cases. Failure to do so may result in reignition and fire spread. Integrity testing using door fan methodology provides a means of predicting the retention time without the need to release the extinguishing gas. It is a requirement of all relevant British, European and International Standards that integrity tests be conducted on initial installation and after that at annual intervals. 2. Methodology The test methodology is per the general requirements specified in the relevant parts of BS 5306, BS: ISO 14520, NFPA 12A, NFPA 2001 and the BFPSA Code of Practice for Gaseous Extinguishing Systems. It applies to all extinguishing gases (e.g. Halon1301, FM200, Argonite, Inergen) and can be used for descending interface, mechanical mixing and extended discharge applications. 3. Principle The door fan equipment is located in a doorway to create small pressure differentials between the enclosure and surrounding areas. Pressure and airflow measurements are made, from which the leakage characteristics of the enclosure are established. The predicted retention time is calculated from these leakage characteristics and the enclosure and extinguishing system data. 4. Apparatus Calibrated 240V/110V AC variable speed fan(s) a frame which fits into the door opening pressure gauges chemical smoke pencils portable computer and sundries. 5. Procedure The enclosure is measured, a sketch plan made and the type and quantity of extinguishant recorded. The height of the highest hazard in the enclosure (risk height) is noted. Where relevant, doors within the enclosure are opened, and a number of false floors and ceiling tiles are removed so that the protected enclosure is tested as one space. False ceiling tiles are not removed where the ceiling void is not protected. A return air path is established outside the enclosure by opening doors/windows as appropriate. The door fan equipment is set up in a suitable door opening. The door does not need to be removed. Personnel may continue to work within the enclosure during the test and may enter and leave, subject to access, except when pressure readings are being taken. Access restrictions are less than a few minutes at a time and can be discontinued at once if necessary. Any air handling equipment involving supply into, or extract from, the enclosure requires to be set by the client or end-user into the same condition as would occur on system discharge (usually dampers closed and fans off). This need occur only while pressure readings are taken. Recirculation and a/c units without fresh air make-up may be left operating throughout the test to prevent temperature build-up in the enclosure. Details of the arrangements are noted. The extinguishing system and enclosure data obtained earlier are entered on to the computer. The computer calculates the design concentration and the column pressure (typically between 4 and 20Pa) that would be exerted by the gas after discharge. The door fan(s) is used to pressurise and depressurise the enclosure to the column pressure and the fan pressure required in each case is recorded. For specific system design, a series of pressure readings are taken. The pressures used are shallow and present no risk to the enclosure or the equipment. The pressure data is entered on to the computer, which calculates the airflow, equivalent leakage area and the retention time. If the result satisfies the specified retention time (usually 10 minutes), the enclosure is deemed to have passed the test. If the retention time is less than that required, a detailed inspection is undertaken to establish the main leakage paths. This includes floor and ceiling voids as relevant. On occasions, chemical smoke pencils may be used in conjunction with the door fan equipment to assist leakage identification. These produce only minimal quantities of smoke at the perimeter of the enclosure and are not used in the vicinity of any sensitive electronic equipment. In the event that the leakage path distribution is found to be other than the worst-case situation assumed in the initial computer calculation, the retention time is recalculated accordingly. Also, if practicable, significant leaks may be temporarily sealed, new pressure readings taken and a revised retention time calculated. Retention times meeting requirements are recorded as passes, subject to any necessary corrective actions; those not doing so are reported to have failed. The duration of the test is approximately two hours per enclosure. A written test report is submitted to the client within a specified period (usually 24 hours). If required (by prior arrangement) a summary report can be prepared on-site. The report contains details of the enclosure, extinguishing system parameters, pressurisation results and predicted retention time graph. Recommendations are given advising the sponsor of any leakage areas or other features requiring remedial action.

  • HEGEL Fire Fighting Foam Concentrate Testing Services

    Under normal circumstances and satisfactory storage conditions, foam concentrates manufactured by reputable companies should maintain their quality for years. However, no matter how good the foam concentrate, deterioration can take place in many ways, and it is therefore recommended to monitor the quality. Summarized below are some of the causes of degradation of the foam concentrate: Dilution or evaporation. Topping off with inferior or incompatible products. Excessively high or low storage temperatures. Unsuitable storage conditions. Regular Sampling and Evaluation Can Detect: Deterioration of the foam concentrate. Accumulation of sediment in low areas which could cause proportioning problems when the system is activated. NFPA-11 recommends that all foam systems shall be thoroughly inspected and checked for proper operation annually. The inspection shall include performance evaluation of the foam concentrate or premix solution quality. Laboratory Analysis An unbiased analysis of the foam samples provided for the user’s consideration. The recommended method for evaluating the condition of foam concentrate is to complete the tests listed below. These are part of the Lab Analysis: Specific Gravity pH Value Sediment Expansion Ratio Quarter Drainage Additional Test : Fire Tests The fire tests are based on UL-162 standard tests and are performed using specially designed fire modelling laboratory test equipment to provide information on a foam concentrate’s ability to perform its designated function. Procedures for Taking Samples Samples taken from the installation should be representative of the foam concentrates stored so that an accurate evaluation can be made. If possible, circulate the system back to the storage tank for the appropriate time to ensure a uniform sample. If circulation is not possible for any reason, then take samples from the following: a) Top of the tank b) Middle of the tank c) Bottom of the tank If it is not possible to take three samples, due to the construction of the vessel or other reason, then take one sample from the top of the tank and a second sample from the bottom. If it is only possible to take one sample from a storage vessel which has not been circulated, it should be understood that this may not be truly representative of the complete contents of the storage tank. Note: When using drain-off points, ensure that sufficient fluid is allowed to flush through the pipework to clear any accumulation of sludge, and provide a representative sample. The sample must be at least 500 ml (approximately 1 pint) in volume and shipped in a clean, tightly sealed container made of polyethylene. Sample containers must be packaged to avoid damage during shipment. The container label (do not use gummed labels) or container must be marked with a waterproof pen showing the following information: Name of the Company. Type of Concentrate; AFFF 3%, etc. Source of Sample (B5 Foam Room - Tank #1). Complete all information on the Request for Analysis Form. Indicate the type of foam and lot number, if known. Note any special conditions or problems. Be specific in storage container identification. For example 1500-gallon tank located in B5 Foam Room - Tank #1.

  • HEGEL – The Work Culture

    Not your typical company, HEGEL boasts a diverse workforce from all corners of the world, many of whom work in differing time zones. As such, it is far from uncommon to receive notifications, enquiries or even tasks at odd hours of the day, sometimes yet after you’ve drifted off into the night. It really is quite a comforting thought to wake up to text messages from anyone, and even more so when they are from your colleagues. This unique culture is amongst the factors that set this company apart. Personally, I have found myself having conversations with other employees way past the stroke of midnight due to the time differences. I must say it is an exciting working experience, unlike in most other workplaces where you won’t even think of your colleagues after around six in the evening. Being partially remote-based company, many of its employees, myself included, won’t have the need to step foot out of the comfort of our own homes too often. With our main mediums of conduct being WhatsApp, Slack, and e-mails, information and instructions are relayed to each other online throughout the day. As opposed to a more formal work setting, there is a great deal of flexibility in how we deal with our tasks and also with each other. Employees can manage their time and tasks more efficiently, instead of having to conform to a rigorous working schedule. Riding on that note, the interaction between the company’s employees can be seen as ‘strictly informal’. While that may seem like an odd oxymoron, it is quite an accurate way to describe the relationships built in the company. The hierarchy is mostly overlooked during meetings and discussions, with some of the superiors preferring to be addressed as ‘bro’ or by first names, rather than ‘boss’ or ‘sir/ma’am’. During meetings, everyone sits together and pools their ideas regardless of position. When all is said and done, and the sessions are adjourned, don’t be surprised to catch everyone out together to get something to eat and drink, all while sharing deep conversations and juicy gossip. This method of interaction leads to a great sense of comfort with each other without being intimidated by other employees due to their status or position. Moreover, there is no such thing as having to ‘dress to impress’, and the employees are often seen clad decently in whatever they’re comfortable with, even during company meetings. Slacks with a tucked-in long-sleeved shirt are jokingly said to be outdated and in favour of that are clothes like jeans with a nice t-shirt. As was stated earlier, this creates a comfortable setting in the company, much like how you’d feel at home with your family. And that is precisely what HEGEL is – a family. Mihir Mechanical Engineer Project Department


    Construction sites are an incredibly dangerous place to be where workers engage in many activities that may expose them to a variety of safety hazards, such as falling objects, working at heights, exposure to heavy construction equipment, or the use of temporary electrical circuits while operating electrical equipment and machinery in damp locations. Thus, it is imperative to keep safety in mind. There are a few simple site safety rules that you may follow to avoid any unwanted accidents or injuries at the site. Always wear your PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) Workers need to wear the PPE provided by the company to protect them from any potential hazards in the workplace. The PPE should be kept clean and always inspect the PPE before use to ensure it is free from cracks or other damage. Any broken or damaged protection equipment shall be reported and replaced immediately. Do not start work without an induction Site induction is vital to ensure the workers on site are fully informed about the current operation of the site and their responsibilities. Make sure you know what is happening so that you can work safely. Obey safety signs and rules at all time. It is dangerous to ignore workplace safety signs. The signs and messages are in place to prevent accidents and injuries. They alert the workers to potential hazards in the workplace. Always comply with the safety signage, read labels on the container before using any substances or equipment. Never work in an unsafe environment Make sure your work area is safe. Remember to keep your work area tidy throughout your shift to reduce the number of slip and trip hazards. If someone is working with large machinery, people on the ground should remain far from the operating area. The operators can beep their horn to warn others when they are about to begin working. They should also be sure to check carefully behind them when they are backing up. Report defects, accidents or any near misses If you notice any on-site accidents or dangerous occurrence, don’t ignore it, report it to your supervisor or first aider immediately. Action cannot be taken immediately if management isn’t aware of the problem. The sooner the problems are resolved, the less chance for an accident to occur. Always ask if in doubts. Mistakes on a construction site may cause lives. Always consult your supervisor if you need any help or further information. In conclusion, these are just a few suggestions for workplace safety. There are many more considerations that you should take into account when it comes to site safety. However, no matter what you do and what changes you make, safety should always be your priority. NURUL HIDAYAH SAFETY OFFICER

  • Electrical Fire - Staying Alive

    When your building’s fire suppression systems and fire extinguishers are being inspected, you can’t afford to overlook the electrical systems. Every business depends on electricity – whether it’s a hotel, a retail store, or a web design company. That’s why it’s so important to know how to keep all of your employees and visitors safe during an electrical fire. Potential Causes During a fire safety inspection of your entire building, walk through with a professional inspector. This may be your insurance representative or your local electrician. These inspectors are trained professionals who can help locate and diagnose potential problems, such as electrical fire hazards. Here are some of the issues you will likely find during this inspection: Smoke on electrical outlets, light switches, and sockets; Lights that always flicker; Fuses and breakers that constantly stop working or overload; Worn out electrical cables; And damaged outlets near areas that tend to contain more water, such as kitchens and restrooms. Along with the inspector, you may want to contact a professional electrician to help you find and fix any hazards before they pose a real danger to anyone inside your commercial building. What to Do So, what should you do if an electrical fire starts? Most importantly, do not use water to put out an electrical fire. Doing so could expose you or those around you to further harm due to electrocution. Shut off the flow of electricity to the area where the fire is, and to the entire building, if possible. The next step is to use a fire extinguisher that is classified for class C fires, which is designed to put out electrical fires. This includes ABC Multi-Purpose Fire Extinguishers, Clean Agent Fire Extinguishers, and Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers. In some situations, the circuit boxes and fire extinguishers might be made inaccessible due to the fire spreading. In these instances, it is best to evacuate the entire building. Once you have ensured that everyone is safely outside and accounted for, call the authorities. Allow the firefighters who respond some time to inspect the building and give the all-clear before reentering. Once it is safe to go back, then you can turn the building’s electricity back on.

  • Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing

    In all types of buildings, such as residential, commercial and industrial buildings, the best mechanical, electrical and plumbing services are always required. Apart from having a well-planned architecture and robust construction, a building will need quality mechanical, electrical and plumbing services which can assure compliance with regulatory authorities requirements and to work properly. This criterion may sound obvious, but finding the best solution for the project in hand is not always that obvious. The best option should be crafted with many features, including functionality, compliance with the health and safety regulations, being environmentally friendly, compatibility with the core architecture, among others. So, what does it take to craft such solution? Moreover, when should it be implemented? Continuing with the obvious, it will take lots of expertise to craft the best solution for a very specific building project, which should include practical study, thoughtful analysis and a very proactive approach. According to the requirements of a project, specialization in the fields of air conditioning, ventilation systems, fire protection systems, domestic cold water systems, sanitary and wastewater systems, LPG and natural gas systems, boiler and steam piping systems, elevators and escalators, electrical general services, and some other areas is a must. As you can see, this takes many details to be considered and a right amount of engineering to be performed, which is why you should not get into it all alone. Now, talking about the best time to implement the solution, the answer is that it should be applied from the very beginning. The only way to make sure that the building will be functioning properly during operation, continuing that way upon completion of the project is having the best mechanical, electrical and plumbing services installed, meaning that the solution should be implemented from the very beginning. This way you will avoid the need of redesign and renovation activities, and the expenses this type of activities carry with them. To summarize, the best practice is to partner with an excellent team of expert engineers and technical specialists, who will be able to provide their expertise to find the best solution for the project case. Whether you are the developer of the project, the owner of the building or you are providing consultation, you will have to find the people that will help you cover all the details on the fields mentioned before. It is not an easy task, yet it is a very achievable one. All right, but where can I find this help? If you have gotten here, then you do not need to worry about it. Hegel Engineering counts on a group of experienced and respected experts in the industry to help you out. Even if you already have a building with systems running, but you require redesign for renovations, retrofitting of facilities to meet new regulations and codes, or to support new uses and the design of new systems, the mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineers at Hegel Engineering will cover your back. With a range of services including installation, testing and commissioning of air conditioning systems including district cooling plants, power and lighting, fire-fighting systems, sewage and storm water pump stations, as well as CCTV networks and building management systems, plus investigating, analyzing, trouble-shooting, and commissioning existing systems, Hegel Engineering has a lot to offer you.

  • MEP Coordination In Building Construction

    MEP coordination presents an unusual challenge for practice and research. Advanced plant design systems can provide models to assist in coordination, but they are not used in hospitals, laboratories, semiconductor wafer, or biotech manufacturing facilities. Detailed design and construction of these complex facilities are fragmented because specialty design consultants and contractors perform this work. The cause of the MEP coordination problem is not the lack of technology but the need to apply available technology tailoring to a particular set of business and technical conditions. Object-oriented 3D models could allow a revised process of coordination. However, capturing the distributed knowledge concerning the different types of systems and tailoring the software to meet the particular needs of MEP coordination remain significant challenges. Success with this activity would support significant improvements in design, coordination, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and retrofit for new uses. The specifications assign responsibility for coordination of the specialty or trade contractors, including checking for clearances, field conditions, architectural and structural conditions. The process of MEP coordination involves locating components and branches from all systems in compliance with design, construction, and operations criteria. The old process of sequentially comparing 1/4 inch/foot scale transparent drawings for each system over a light table adds significant cost to many projects and can add significant duration. Improving the coordination process for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems on complex buildings and light industrial projects present an excellent opportunity to improve project performance through increased integration. Coordination involves defining locations for branch components of systems in congested spaces to avoid interference and comply with diverse design and operations criteria. Several problems in current practice create the need to improve. Limited building space for MEP systems makes efficient design and construction much more challenging. On many plans and specs projects, accelerated schedules and decreased designers’ fees do not allow detailing MEP systems by design consultants. The scope of work for specialty contractors on these projects increasingly includes “design assist” to complete the design for fabrication and installation. Design-build contracting, with different specialty contractors responsible for various systems, decentralizes design responsibility and increases the potential problems and the need for effective coordination between the various types of systems. Fast track projects increase the challenge. MEP systems must satisfy multiple objectives and criteria for design, installation, commissioning, operation, and maintenance. Different types of specialty contractors (e.g., process piping, HVAC piping, HVAC duct-work, plumbing, electrical, fire protection, controls) are responsible for these systems. An example of different criteria for system design includes spatial (avoiding interference), functional within a system (flow or gravity drainage), adjacency or segregation, system installation (layout dimensions, space and access for installation productivity), and testing (ability to isolate). On complex buildings and plants, expertise and designs are required from different specialists -- essential fragmentation requiring horizontal integration between these different functions working in the same project phase. The current work process is for design consultants or design-build contractors to develop their systems independently. Coordination responsibility is then assigned to one firm, often the general contractor, the HVAC contractor, or a coordination consultant. The resulting process is slow and expensive. One general contractor estimated coordination costs as six percent of the MEP value or two percent of the total cost on a light industrial project. An electrical contractor said that coordination cost equals design value on projects in Silicon Valley; each is about three percent of the total cost for electrical systems. At the low-tech end of the practice spectrum for MEP coordination, drawing plan views on transparent media and using a light table to overlay routeing proposed by several contractors is easy to understand and change. However, this process often involves frequent and painful meetings. Difficulty in visualizing complex systems in congested spaces often requires drawing multiple section views to accompany the plans prepared for primary routeing. It is also tough to accommodate design change after coordination decisions. At the other end of the spectrum, 3D CAD and other information technology offer the potential to improve this process and its results. Plant models provide significant benefits for large hydrocarbon and power projects on which the Architect/Engineer completes the entire design. However, design consultants and specialty contractors prefer systems tailored to actual information needs for detailing, estimating, fabricating, and tracking their type of work. Current use of multiple systems (e.g., Intellicad, Quick Pen, Colorado) tailored to the needs of specific disciplines and trades limits overall effectiveness. The systems are not compatible, and DXF transfer usually loses about ten percent of the database contents. Complex configurations of MEP systems in congested spaces are tough to visualize. The less complete definition of systems in the “design assist” approach makes it tough to define the scope of work for fixed price contracts. This increases the potential need for contract changes based on the increased cost of installing the system configuration that results from the coordination process. Also, the first contractor working in an area often optimizes routeing for their Systems, requiring expensive rework if this is not compatible with other systems. As a result of these problems with current processes, the product of MEP coordination does not fully satisfy the objectives of any of the project participants. To improve project performance, the construction segments focused on complex buildings, and high-tech plants need increased horizontal integration between design consultants or design-build contractors to improve the effectiveness of the coordination process and better meet project objectives. This first requires a simplified method to consolidate the designs from multiple sources to visualize and easily change the configuration for initial coordination. The next critical need is to capture the knowledge required for application of different criteria in making coordination decisions. This will eventually allow partial automation of MEP systems coordination. For improved life-cycle performance of the facility, a major need is to increase vertical integration by mutual information exchange with facility managers and operators for the building or plant.

  • Building and Industrial Fire Protection System

    In recent years, many new regulations have been created, and some old ones have been modified regarding safety, hazard prevention and environment protection, compelling construction companies and corporations in different industrial fields to look for new and improved solutions for their building and industrial fire protection system, among other systems which are affected by these regulations. In addition to complying with the regulations, a good building and industrial fire protection system will help you ensure the integrity of the infrastructure and the people inside the building. This said it is evident that getting the best possible solution is a paramount goal to achieve. Now, the question is: how to achieve this goal? How to find the best building and industrial fire protection system solution? Well, the answer is simpler than it seems to be. Since there are many unique hazard problems which require top notch engineering, the best way to achieve your goal and find the best solution for a building and industrial fire protection system is to work with the very best specialists. Yes, that simple. With many details requiring attention in the development of a building construction or industrial installation project, relying on the best of the field will ensure you comply with the regulations, plus guaranteeing a safety environment. Moreover, counting on specialized engineers and technicians who are regularly trained on the latest developments in the fire protection systems area, will make you feel confident that your project will be taken through the right path from the beginning, and that each stage will be adequately covered. However, is this all? What happens after the project is completed? A building and industrial fire protection system solution involve more than just the system itself. To make sure the solution is complete, people must be involved. This means that firefighting, safety and building evacuation training and drills are going to be needed as an essential part of the solution. Besides, assessing the possible risks and being aware of them at all times should be part of the training process. In conclusion, if you are looking for a fire protection solution for your project or the project you are working on, or you need to complete your building with a fire protection system or improve the one it already has, what you have to do is partner with an accredited fire protection system specialist, with proven expertise in your field, able to deliver a complete solution covering all the aspects mentioned before and any particular requirement for your specific case, including the guarantee of high quality standards, occupational safety and health, and environment protection. It surely sounds too perfect to be true and too difficult to find, but no worries. HEGEL Engineering Sdn. Bhd. has you covered. With a wide variety of fire suppression systems offered, ranging from Basic Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems and Dry Pipe Sprinkler Systems to Complex Special Hazards Systems, such as Foam and Chemical Suppression Systems, plus core services including Design and Installation, Troubleshooting and Repair, Maintenance Upgrading and Retrofit, Fire Drill and Safety Training, and a Prime Level Technical Support, together with 30 years of expertise in different fields, high quality standards and a comprehensive environmental policy, the specialists at HEGEL are the best option to get a "solution for your regular and special hazard problems". Don't look further, contact us now!

  • Construction Project Management

    The construction industry has evolved in recent years thanks to the constant technology developments and integrations to different areas, which has turned the building project management into a more complex activity. Some of the systems being integrated include digital sensors, intelligent machines, mobile devices, and new software applications. If you add that to the number of project stages involved, such as design, pre-construction, procurement and the construction per se, the construction project management task is clearly a challenging one these days. Moreover, that is just the big picture. When you pay attention to details, you realise that there are day-to-day tasks during the development of a project that can result in extra costs and time spent if they are not performed correctly. Those works can be classified into categories such as project management planning, cost management, time management, quality management, contract administration, safety management and general management tasks. Moreover, the construction project management has to account for the particular type of structure which can be agricultural, residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, environmental, among others. This means that specialised knowledge is required to work with the specific systems and machinery that each type of construction project may need. Also, all of the previously mentioned has to be achieved on time, on a budget and according to the different regulations and codes to guarantee the project is feasible. So, it is clear that the construction project management is not a one-person job. It takes a lot more than that. If you have a construction project between hands, you have been commissioned with the management of such project, or you have been consulted for advice on a construction project management, the best recommendation is to find the help of a group of experts who will be able to present the best solutions for each stage of the project. Now, the big question arises. Where a strong team with such characteristics can be found? Since you got here, you already have the answer. Hegel Engineering Sdn. Bhd. can provide you with a team of Construction Project Management Experts who offer a flexible and highly bespoke service based on a robust and well-proven formula for delivery. With a value-driven approach, they will deliver the best solutions for your project case. You will be getting a full spectrum of project management services for the preparation of business cases and the development of organisational frameworks to straightforward procurement, design, construction delivery and operation. The team will be working closely with you and the rest of the architects, engineers and specialists involved in the project to tackle every task and every stage of the project. No matter how big or complicated the project is, you can rest assure that your project will be completed on time and within budget. Get the very best Construction Project Management Service now! Just contact us, and we will be glad to provide you with any extra information you need and the best attention you can get.

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